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MercoAgro CP1544 Asuncion, Paraguay Paraguay
Tierras en el ChacoComo agentes inmobiliarios ofrecemos las propiedades en la columna derecha.El Chaco Paraguayo fue la ultima gran región de Sud America con buenos factores naturales para la producción, que quedaba para ser descubierto por los agro inversores. Desde 2007 los valores de la tierra empezaron a multiplicarse, empezando desde un nivel extremamente bajo. Hasta hoy dia los precios siguen siendo muy competitivos. Alto Chaco / Chaco Boreal
El Centro, Norte y Oeste del Chaco Paraguayo es el parte que ultimamente tiene el desarollo mas dinamico.
Algunas cifras aproximadas hipotéticas :
Una hectárea de monte virgin alto del Chaco almazena en el rango de 100 tCO2e. Los bonos de cabono(1x tCO2e) se quotizaban 2007-2012 en US$15-30. Supuesto que se establesca que el valor de conservar equivale anualmente un 3% de los 100 tCO2e/ha, eso equivaldría un ingreso anual de US$45-90/ha. Bajo Chaco,
el Sur y el Este del Chaco Paraguayo, tiene una vegetacion natural mas abierta como la de las sabanas de palmeras, donde una ganaderia extensiva de baja carga, tipicamente de cria se formaba ya hace mucho, con poco desmontaje y pocas mejoras de pasturas. Aspectos legales Hoy (2013) las leyes forestales de Paraguay para el Chaco exigen un plan de desarollo y prohiben cortar mas o menos un 50% del monte virgin de una propiedad. Tienen efecto principalmente para el Alto Chaco, la vegetacion del Bajo Chaco en su mayoridad no está clasificado como monte. Paraguay no limita la venta de tierras a extranjeros, salvo en una franja 50 km de ancho con la frontera nacional donde están prohibidos los nacionales del país vecino correspondiente. Paraguay es el país con la menor carga impositiva en la region paisaje y topografia varia poco en el Chaco, la columna de imagenes a la derecha puede servir para dar una primera idea en caso que no existan imagenes de una especifica propiedad. El parte del año con condiciones dificiles para viajar por tierra es la epoca de lluvias Deciembre a Abril. El tamaño de las propiedades y la densidad de la vegetacion lo hace factible revisar por avion charter en qualquier caso.
MercoAgro |
ofertas venta campos & tierras (de nuestra pagina principal en ingles) comision comprador : 3% A. Alto Chaco - virgin forest
110a) Palmar de las Islas region
4.000 hectare US$250,-/ha, US$ 1.000.000 soils sandy/loamy of high fertility 1000 mm annual rainfall, potentialy sweet ground water virgen semi dry high forest w.some hard wood, access thru cleared strip/track
excellent value, an opportunity
132c) Northern Chaco between LaGerenza and Agua Dulce 24.000 hectare US$ 300/ha , US$7,200,000 Undeveloped, virgin, high, semi dry forest covered, soils sandy/loamy of high fertility (organic soil content 3,3%, P: 23ppm, K: 250ppm) 950 mm annual rainfall, possibility of sweet ground water. agri-development plan government (SEAM) approved, access by minor earth road. Remote.
134-2c) Northern Chaco between LaGerenza and Agua Dulce
8.000 hectare US$ 450/ha , US$3.600.000 Undeveloped, virgin semi dry forest covered, 1.100mmm annual rainfall,potentially sweet ground water Virgin, partly sandyer medium fertility, partly loamyer high fertility sedimentary soils covered by semi dry forest (w.some hard wood) access by major (relativly) earth road.
136a) La Gerenza
4.000 hectare consisting of 2x lots at short distance to each other US$160,-/ha, US$ 640.000 soils sandy/loamy of medium fertility 850 mm annual rainfall virgen semi dry forest and bushland w.some hard wood. Properties form long narrow rectangle with short front to Region´s only (semi permanent) river, Rio Timane, access thru cleared strip/track, one modest building + fencing
147d) Agua Dulce
4.000 hectare US$400,-/ha, US$ 1.600.000 1.200mmm annual rainfall, potentially sweet ground water Virgin, semi high, semi dry forest covered, soils sandy of medium fertility access by minor earth road/track.
151a-I) NE Agua Dulce
3700 hectare US$500,-/ha, US$ 1.850.000 1.200mmm annual rainfall, potentially sweet ground water Virgin. In its totality loamy/sandy fertile sedimentary soils covered by high semi dry forest (w.some hard wood) access by minor earth road/track.
152a) Agua Dulce area
5120 hectare US$750,-/ha, US$ 3.840.000 1.200mmm annual rainfall, potentially sweet ground water In its totality loamy/sandy fertile sedimentary soils access by earth road/track, 3200 ha cleared, of those are 2500 ha sown pasture, perimeter fence, 10 fenced subdivisions with water supply, farmstead with barns, airstrip
excellent value, an opportunity
155c) Agua Dulce area 4000 hectare US$800,-/ha, US$ 3.200.000 1.200mmm annual rainfall, potentially sweet ground water In its totality loamy/sandy fertile sedimentary soils access by earth road/track, 2000 ha freshly cleared and pasture sown, remaining half being high growth natural forest prohibited to cut Outer fence, 20 fenced subdivisions with water supplied by rainwater reservoires, farmstead,worker's house,barns, airstrip, access by minor earth road
165d) La Patria area on paved road
5300 hectare US$650,-/ha, US$ 3.3445.000 600mmm annual rainfall light sandy sedimentary soils 2000 ha cleared and pasture sown, remaining land being medium growth semi dry dense forest operative cattle ranch with farmstead and working instalation, on paved Trans Chaco Hwy
excellent value, an opportunity
179c) Bahia Negra 8500 hectare US$620,-/ha, US$ 3.115.000 60% loamy/sandy fertile sedimentary soils covered by semi high semi dry dense virgin forest (w.some hard wood)40% lowlands towards river with open palmtree vegetation, w. fractions seasonably briefly flooded hence having fluvial sedimentary soils 1200 mm annual rainfall, 15km Rio Paraguay frontage village with basic amneties, labour, close by, access by river or earth road, some huts and corrals, air strip in disuse
A. Bajo Chaco - cattle farms
137a) on Rio Paraguay Fte Olimpo region
4500 hectare US$550,-/ha, US$ 2.475.000 mainly lowlands with open palmtree vegetation, w. fractions seasonably briefly flooded hence having fertile river sedimentary soils, 1300 mm annual rainfall, bordering offer 118a
148d) Toro Pampa / Fte Olimpo
8.200 hectare US$380,-/ha, US$ 3.116.000 60% Bajo Chaco lowlands with open palmtree vegetation, 40% elevated lands with lighter soils, virgin forest covered (cropland suitability) 1200 mm annual rainfall access by earth road, perimeter fencing, some precarious huts and lifestock instalations
140d) Pde Hayes on Ruta TransChaco
7.500 hectare US$750,-/ha, US$ 5.625.000 mainly lowlands with open palmtree vegetation, 15% elevated w. lighter cropland soils forest covered 1400mmm annual rainfall Operative cattle farm with farmstead, 20x fenced subdivisions etc, 300 ha sown pasture 2h drive from Asuncion
158d) Pde Hayes on Rio Paraguay
6.400 hectare US$780,-/ha, US$ 2.660.000 mainly lowlands with open palmtree vegetation, high grass lands, fractions with denser virgin forest, and fractions seasonably briefly flooded hence having fertile river sedimentary soils, Some 11 km Paraguay river frontage 19 fenced subdivision Complete farmstead on river bank with main house, worker’s house, large barn, complete lifestock installations
167d) Toro Pampa
9100 hectare US$ 700/ha , US$6.370.000 1100mm anual rain fall, 2700 ha artificial pasture (Gatton Panic+Tanzania) 6400 ha natural grazing land, of this 70% being open savanna type vegetation, 10% lowlands / wetlands and remaing land denser forests 15 fenced subdivision of artificial pasture, supplied by 11x rainwater reservoirs, farmstead, outstation, 230 km earth road to Trans Chaco Highway + Filadelfia
C. Central&West, cattle farms
135e) 50 km west of Neuland
2600 hectare US$ 550/ha , US$1.320.000 800mm anual rain fall, lighter sandy good fertility soils abandoned cattle farm w.low growth bushland
153d) 80 km west of Neuland
16.000 hectare US$ 625/ha , US$10.000.000 700mm anual rain fall, sweet ground water, lighter sandy good fertility soils operative cattle farm (fattening) on 7000 ha cleared land with implanted pasture, 120 fenced lots (45ha), all water suplied, farmstead, barns, worker's quarters remaining land 9000 ha medium growth natural semi dry forest
159d) La Patria region
5.500 hectare US$ 350/ha , US$1.925.000 650mm anual rain fall, sweet ground water, lighter sandy fair fertility soils Undeveloped, virgin medium growth natural semi dry forest
163d) La Patria region
5.000 hectare US$ 800/ha , US$4.000.000 650mm anual rain fall, sweet ground water, lighter sandy fair fertility soils working cattle ranch (fattening) on 3000 ha cleared land with implanted pasture (Gatton Panic), 16 fenced lots, all water suplied, farmstead, barns, worker's quarters, 2x artesian wells remaining land 3000 ha medium growth natural semi dry forest
164d) La Patria, close to 163d
5.000 hectare US$ 570/ha , US$2.850.000 650mm anual rain fall, sweet ground water, lighter sandy fair fertility soils working cattle ranch, but less developed, only 800 ha cleared land with implanted pasture,farmstead, etc remaining land 3000 ha medium growth natural semi dry forest |